To Listen
My favorite genre of music is songs that sound happy with sad lyrics. In that vein, check out The Decemberists' new album, I'll Be Your Girl, namely the track Everything is Awful. I dig the folk-space vibe. I'm listening now and for multiple seconds didn't realize a siren out my window wasn't part of the song. Also, I realize it's not the happiest-sounding, but somewhat upbeat... perfect bpm for leisure walking.
To Watch
My favorite genre of movie is mumblecore, a genre I didn't know had an official name until well after I knew I loved it. My second favorite genre of movie is coming of age. In that vein, check out Love, Simon, a perfect movie. Bonus rec: dat soundtrack dough. Double bonus: I thought of the movie Comet for some reason while typing this. Great, weird movie. And Emmy Rossum, who knew?! Just finished the eighth season of Shameless, which I didn't think was as bad as people said.
To Read
Doesn't really count as reading, but follow Myq Kaplan on Twitter. (Speaking of following...)
To Eat
Have I already recommended havarti grilled cheese here? Dip that ish in applesauce, just try it.
To Remember
From a wonderfully positive, in many ways, IG account, "flowers are not always in bloom." Off-days are okay. Nothing days are okay. Sad seasons are okay. We can't always thrive.
To Do
I've met some awesome women on Bumble BFF, which a lot of people have never heard about! Women are awesome, and I'm glad this tools exists to help us find each other and unite in girl power. Even those who were in relationships before dating was digitized can now join in on the swiping!
To Think About
"What are you pretending you don't already know?" This is shitty advice in the way that the best advice is the thing you don't want to but really need to hear. I avoid so many things I already know but don't want to admit. Listening to my own inner knowing is really hard, especially because the knowing isn't words. There has to be quiet and stillness to hear it, so I often miss it while attempting to convince myself and others that the thing I want to do is the right thing. The right thing is usually the hardest thing, which is annoying and stupid.