Friday, August 28, 2015

Give someone a break (part 1)

Grace in relationships is holding loosely to your expectations of other people, genuinely wanting the best for others, and working toward their good. We can anticipate others falling short of our ideal or letting us down, but grace assuming it is never their intention to hurt you.

Mercy in a relationship is letting someone off the hook, forgiving mistakes they made (all the easier when grace is given in advance), and allowing the two of you to move forward in your relationship without a dark cloud hanging over it.

Grace is proactive. Grace says, "I know you are not perfect, so I don't expect you to be. I know you will make mistakes and that sometimes those mistakes will hurt me, but I will assume you never mean to hurt me. I will do my best to set you up for success and put effort into your good."

Mercy is retroactive. Mercy doubles up on grace. Instead of taking the self-righteous route and saying, "See? I told you you'd make mistakes. I told you you'd hurt me. And now look; you have." Mercy simply says, "No, hey, that's alright. This stuff happens, and I understand it wasn't your intention to hurt me."

Mercy comes after forgiveness because mercy is for the other person but forgiveness is about you. Forgiving someone is letting go of the bitterness in your heart towards them, not letting the hurt they caused you take up any more emotional energy or having any more control in your life. Forgiveness is never about an apology but about the health of your own heart. By the time someone apologizes, the healthiest people don't respond, "I forgive you," but, "I forgave you a long time ago."

Grace, forgiveness, and mercy, walk together. They are the lubricants to our relational gears. They minimize the hurt we cause each other, and we cause each other hurt all. the. time. Give someone grace today. Remove the expectations you are holding over their head to get it right every time or to love you perfectly. Anticipate that sometimes they will do things to hurt your feelings, but decide here and now that you will not take it personally when that happens, that you will do your best to forgive them, and that you will still decide every day to actively love them before and after all their big screw ups. (Hey, you screw up, too.)

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